Psychological Safety and Inclusion in the workplace

Workshop Overview

PSI and PSI 360

The PSI Program leverages a market-leading diagnostic tool that measures an individual’s sense of psychological safety and inclusivity within their team, easily, anonymously and confidentially.

This allows leaders to understand and benchmark the psychological safety and risk profile of their organisation at any moment in time.

The PSI program is proven to create inclusive cultures by utilising neuropsychology to foster a climate where people are comfortable expressing and being themselves. In doing so, leaders can improve inter-department relationships, enhance performance, attract talent and retain staff.

The PSI 360 Leadership Assessment provides leaders with feedback from their manager, peers and direct reports, on how they currently perform against these competencies. They also provide feedback on where they would like the participating leaders to be in 12 months – providing clarity on the areas that can be focused on to lift leadership impact. Impact is also measured, with raters indicating how engages and psychologically safe they feel in their interactions with the leader.

The PSI 360 experience includes the following key elements:

  • Comprehensive personal report with feedback from line manager, peers and direct reports to provide insights into strengths, and potential blind spots and growth areas.
  • Confidential debrief with an accredited coach to review and reflect on results and develop a personalised action plan.
  • Access to self-development resources to support learning and growth.

Aggregated feedback from a group of leaders (min N=5) can be used to guide ongoing leadership development activities across the organisation, in line with the PSI Program.

“I have noticed an improvement in the way in which we collaborate, innovate, and learn from each other with this enhanced team trust and cohesion.

I feel that this has helped lead to better communication, decision-making and overall team effectiveness.”

CEO testimony | PSI Program Participant, 2023.


Psychological Safety and Inclusion in the workplace

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